Thursday, February 28, 2013
I were your child or u were mine??
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
iTs uR l0Ve

that makes me realise how special i can be or how special i am..
its your love
that can be seen in ma eyes so gentle, so pure & infinite..
its your love
that makes me smile whenever i'm depressed or low or want 2 be out of everyone's sight..
that makes me feel secured as i may be walking through long, tough mile..
its your love
that keeps me alive makes me feel your presence each & every while..
its all your love
only for me with all the special care & warmth i need..
its your love
that assures me for sure i'll love you all of ma life, my dear. . .
Thursday, April 2, 2009

for once I want 2 die
for once want 2 say d whole world gud bye..
for once I want 2 c evry1 cry…
jus 4 me… 4 me
can i??????
for once I want 2 b a bird…
for once fly high above d sky…
for once b free 4m al d tries..
jus once.. oni once
can i??????
for once I wnt 2 grow small again..
for once d innosence in me regain..
for once I want my doll 2 buy..
for once… jus once..
can i????
for once I want 2 b happy..
for once 4get d sorrows n worry
for once i need 2 b me..
can I b???
can I b??????????
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
i have wateva i need
Ech n evrythin indeed

Evn though evrythins wid me.. bt,
Sumthins incomplete..
Whole day m bsy ,
Doin sumthin or d other oni 4 me,
Evn though m
Sumthins incomplete..
Beautiful hours
Luvly flowers
N al dat I need, bt
Sumthins incomplete..
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Y is it dat I feel very lonely

Its u evrytim on ma mind
I keep tinking of d old days
N dream oni of u evry nite..
I wish I cud meet u
Wish cud talk 2 u..
Wish 2 walk wid u long miles..
Widot evn knowin, jus lukin at
Y is it I cnt b wid u?
Y cnt I say dat I miss u..
Its 2 hard 2 jus keep tinkin of u
Jus cum 1ce n c dat m waitin 4 u, jus u..
4 once let me ask u, did u evr likd me?
Jus 4 a sec… 2 or 3
Bt I knw..evn 4 formality,
ma dreamz r gonna b dreamz
N wil nvr turn in2 reality..

My guiding light
I ws walkin alone along d darkness,
I ws al alone,
N der I met a guiding light
Who came wid me along ma way,
In d path of darkness, it showed me a new way,
I walkd along wid d guiding light
Who nvr left me nywer…
N den came d wind n strom
& dat hpnd of wat I feared
dey blew awy ma guiding light
I ws rely upset n scared..
Nw i had no 1 wid me
2 cum along d way,
I cried n cried 4 losing ma light
N den dis ws seen by dem(storm n wind)..
They saw me alone n depressd
So came along wid me
N nw I ws stable enuf 2 reach my destiny..
Along d way wid storm n wind I rely missd ma light,
Bt d support of wind n storm
Led ma path bright..
Bt came d day wen wind n storm
Had 2 get in2 deir world of atmosphere,
Dey left me in btwn ma path,
N der ws no 1 near…
Y did dey blew ma guiding light
If evn dey had 2 leave…
Nw m again alone along ma path
& wishd I nvr met ny1,
bt m thankful 2 GOD’
4 ma precious memories wid ma
Saturday, December 27, 2008

D one who’s impt dan ny1 else,
D one is a frnd, d one is a frnd,
widout whom lyf has no end..
D one who makes u feel special,
D 1 who knows ucan do a miracle,
D one who scolds u 4 no reason,
D one 4 whom formality is an unrequired session,
D one whom u can call wen u ned urslf,
D one who acts as a mirror n reflects,
D one who makes u realize who u r,
D one who introduces:
Dis is u so far!
D one is I frnd , d one is a frnd,
Alwyz searchin 4 wer u r..
D one who misses u 4 no occasion,
D one who evn needs u 4 al d seasons,
D one who makes U,U
Yes ma frnd u do…!
- varsha